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How the Confronting Memories programme is shaping historical dialogue
Kristina Smolijaninovaite joined the Civil Society Forum nearly thirteen years ago and has since been one of its key drivers. Now serving as the Deput.
Чытаць далейSummer School in Armenia begins new phase of dialogue as Ambassadors kick off capacity development
From the 17th until the 21st of July 2024, the Confronting Memories programme hosted its Summer School for History Educators in Dilijan, Armenia in co.
Чытаць далейNew film: War Is Not Over
We are pleased to announce the publication of our new film, "War Is Not Over." The film was directed by Stefano di Pietro who also directed "Clash.
Чытаць далейSummer School for history educators in Dilijan, Armenia
The Confronting Memories programme (Berlin, Germany) and Hazarashen Armenian Center of Ethnological Studies are organising a 3-day international Summe.
Чытаць далейВыкладанне балючай гісторыі: канфлікты на постсавецкай прасторы
Мы рады прадставіць нашу найноўшую публікацыю - педагагічны дапаможнік для выкладання сенсітыўнай (балючай) гісторыі на прыкладзе канфліктаў на постса.
Чытаць далейMeasuring Prejudice: The Allport Scale
Prejudice and violence against people of a different ethnicity, religion or gender based on whatever stereotypes can exist anywhere. It can manifest i.
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