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Teaching sensitive history: conflicts in the post-Soviet space

Source: (2021) ‘Această zi în istorie: La 10 iunie 1992 au apărut cupoanele moldovenești’ [This day in history: On June 10, 1992, Moldovan coupons appeared], 10 June.
We are happy to present our newest publication, a pedagogical guide on teaching sensitive history using examples of conflicts in the post-Soviet space. The guide was developed in 2023 together with teachers from Armenia, Georgia and Moldova who created new lesson materials about the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the Georgian coup d’état (1991-92) and the War on the Dniester (1992). Experts from these countries also provide short but important context chapters about these often under-studied conflicts.
The conflicts presented in this pedagogical guide are sensitive because they are so fresh in the collective memories of people from all sides. The guide draws on multiperspective teaching methods to deal with them in an engaging and respectful way. Social history takes precedence over military-political history to give voices to ordinary people who experienced the conflicts from different sides and areas of society.
The learning materials are ready to use, but can also be adapted with different sources, and the methods and activities can be applied to other conflicts and sensitive topics. We hope that the guide and the lesson materials will be useful for teachers in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and beyond.
You can find the guide here.
The conflicts presented in this pedagogical guide are sensitive because they are so fresh in the collective memories of people from all sides. The guide draws on multiperspective teaching methods to deal with them in an engaging and respectful way. Social history takes precedence over military-political history to give voices to ordinary people who experienced the conflicts from different sides and areas of society.
The learning materials are ready to use, but can also be adapted with different sources, and the methods and activities can be applied to other conflicts and sensitive topics. We hope that the guide and the lesson materials will be useful for teachers in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and beyond.
You can find the guide here.