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Conference in Berlin: "History Education at a Time of War"
Event completed
Berlin, Germany
Berlin, Germany

The first conference in the framework of Confronting Memories brought together over 40 history teachers and education professionals from 12 different countries to discuss the important topic of teaching recent history, in particular recent and ongoing wars and conflicts.
On Day 1, participants tested and gave feedback on new teaching materials that are being developed by Armenian, Georgian and Moldovan educators on the sensitive topics of ongoing and recent wars, in particular the Transnistria War of 1992, the 1991-2 Georgian Civil War, and the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh War. These materials will be gathered in an educational toolkit on how to teach sensitive topics.
Day 2 was devoted to capacity building and innovative learning methods and tools were presented by organisations active in the field: Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft (EVZ), Football Makes History, and the Georg-Eckert-Institute.
On Day 1, participants tested and gave feedback on new teaching materials that are being developed by Armenian, Georgian and Moldovan educators on the sensitive topics of ongoing and recent wars, in particular the Transnistria War of 1992, the 1991-2 Georgian Civil War, and the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh War. These materials will be gathered in an educational toolkit on how to teach sensitive topics.
Day 2 was devoted to capacity building and innovative learning methods and tools were presented by organisations active in the field: Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft (EVZ), Football Makes History, and the Georg-Eckert-Institute.