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Summer School in Armenia begins new phase of dialogue as Ambassadors kick off capacity development

From the 17th until the 21st of July 2024, the Confronting Memories programme hosted its Summer School for History Educators in Dilijan, Armenia in collaboration with its partner organisation in Armenia, the Hazarashen Centre for Ethnological Studies. There, over 35 educators from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine came together to learn and deepen their understanding of multiperspective approaches towards history education and value-based education using Confronting Memories lesson materials developed since the programme's onset.
Confronting Memories Ambassadors were selected among the participants, who will bring various lesson materials developed by the Confronting Memories programme since 2020 into their local schools for testing, as well as into local Training of Trainer (ToT) workshops to broaden the reach of the lesson materials and to capacitate other teachers in the approach.
Additionally, an external evaluator for the Confronting Memories programme and lesson materials has joined forces with the team to support improved implementation of the programme and development of learning materials according to the needs of participating history educators.
We look forward to the next months, where additional online capacity building sessions are offered to practice the multiperspective approach and share experiences. And afterwards, we will meet again in Georgia for our mid-term
evaluation workshop.
A big thanks goes out to our funder, the Foreign Ministry of Germany (Auswärtiges Amt), and to our partner organisations, Hazarashen Centre for Enthnological Studies, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), and the National Association of Young Historians of Moldova (ANTIM). We also are grateful for the collaboration with our expert pedagogical consultants, Dzintra Liepina and Bojana Djokovic Blagojevic.
Confronting Memories Ambassadors were selected among the participants, who will bring various lesson materials developed by the Confronting Memories programme since 2020 into their local schools for testing, as well as into local Training of Trainer (ToT) workshops to broaden the reach of the lesson materials and to capacitate other teachers in the approach.
Additionally, an external evaluator for the Confronting Memories programme and lesson materials has joined forces with the team to support improved implementation of the programme and development of learning materials according to the needs of participating history educators.
We look forward to the next months, where additional online capacity building sessions are offered to practice the multiperspective approach and share experiences. And afterwards, we will meet again in Georgia for our mid-term
evaluation workshop.
A big thanks goes out to our funder, the Foreign Ministry of Germany (Auswärtiges Amt), and to our partner organisations, Hazarashen Centre for Enthnological Studies, the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), and the National Association of Young Historians of Moldova (ANTIM). We also are grateful for the collaboration with our expert pedagogical consultants, Dzintra Liepina and Bojana Djokovic Blagojevic.