War Is Not Over

During WWII, the Polish city of Łódź was the tragic location of the Kinder-KZ Litzmannstadt, a concentration camp specifically for Polish children that was established next to the Jewish ghetto. The young inmates experienced some of the most horrendous living conditions during WWII. Now, over 80 years later, the city has had time to evolve and change. Łódź remains a place of trauma associated with the difficult memories of WWII but, at the same time, it has become a haven for Ukrainian refugees who have fled their homes to escape the ongoing war with Russia in search of safety and a better life. WAR IS NOT OVER showcases the harrowing recollections of a Polish survivor of the Kinder-KZ, accompanied by memoirs and letters written by other children. In combination with accounts of young people from present-day Ukraine and the insight of educators in Łódź, the documentary explores the transformation of the city, its current diversity-related challenges and emphasises the vital role of history education in fostering integration and peace.

Teachers and educators may use this film to provide a basis for discussions in the classrooms, as part of a body of materials designed to show the lesser-known chapters of WWII, or the changing nature of cities and countries over time.

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