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Public Discussion “75 Years Since: Confronting Memories of WWII in East Asia”
Watch the discussion online here.
On 2 September 2020, the world marked the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II (WWII), a war that remains one of the most painful and conflicting episodes in the memories of nations across the world. Many current conflicts are embedded in related history and in the use of history as a political tool. CSF e.V. continues a series of discussions on the commemoration of WWII and ongoing sociopolitical debates revolving around its historical memory. In this discussion, we shall look at the aftermaths of WWII and challenges of commemoration in East Asia.
The speakers discussed the mainstream narratives on WWII history in East Asia, the current challenges in the WWII commemoration within the region and how WWII is reflected in the history education at school.
Introduction: | Kristina Smolijaninovaitė, CSF e.V., Germany |
Speakers: | Jongsung Kim, Hiroshima University, Japan/ South Korea Seiko Mimaki, Takasaki City University of Economics, Japan Paul O'Shea, Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University, Sweden |
Moderator: | Daqing Yang, George Washington University, USA |