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Public Discussion: “In Constant Flux: The landscape of memory and memorials of World War II in Europe”
Мероприятие завершено

*Start time: 17:00 – 18:30 Berlin/Warsaw (18:00 – 19:30 Vilnius/Moscow, 11:00 – 12:30 Washington DC)
The programme Confronting Memories of CSF e.V. invites you to an online discussion on the WWII memorial landscape and memory culture in Europe. The speakers from Belarus, Germany and Poland will reflect on how and why they vary from country to country, and what challenges and political dimensions are at play in shaping memory in these countries and regions.
The speakers will address the following questions:
Estera Flieger, KARTA Center Foundation, Warsaw, Poland
Christoph Meißner, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany
Iryna Ramanava, European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania / Belarus
Daqing Yang, George Washington University, USA
In Spring 2023, Confronting Memories will publish a Pedagogical Guide to Teaching History through the use of World War II Memorials for history educators. The team will briefly present its work in the beginning of the discussion.
To join the event, please fill in the short registration form until 27 February 2023.
The programme Confronting Memories of CSF e.V. invites you to an online discussion on the WWII memorial landscape and memory culture in Europe. The speakers from Belarus, Germany and Poland will reflect on how and why they vary from country to country, and what challenges and political dimensions are at play in shaping memory in these countries and regions.
The speakers will address the following questions:
- What is the WWII memorial landscape in Belarus, Germany and Poland? How does it fit into the memory culture in these countries and the region?
- How do politicians shape the culture of remembrance?
- Is the national memorial landscape affected by transnational factors? Has it contributed to the discourse about an emerging European memory culture?
Estera Flieger, KARTA Center Foundation, Warsaw, Poland
Christoph Meißner, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany
Iryna Ramanava, European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania / Belarus
Daqing Yang, George Washington University, USA
In Spring 2023, Confronting Memories will publish a Pedagogical Guide to Teaching History through the use of World War II Memorials for history educators. The team will briefly present its work in the beginning of the discussion.
To join the event, please fill in the short registration form until 27 February 2023.